Archimedes Palimpsest Optical Image Collection

Original TIFF Image of one section of Bifolia 18 MB
Stitched TIFF Image of ten original images of Bifolia sections 108 MB
Three images for each Bifolia section or stitched Bifolia: Tungsten Light, Ultraviolet light, Pseudocolor Processed Image
Sectional Images 18MB × 3 = 54 MB
Stitched Images 108MB × 3 = 324 MB
Collection Phase Raw Data Processed and Stitched Data (GB)
(includes experiments and El Greco imaging)
Phase I (summer 2000) 6.6 24.90
Phase II - 1A (April 2001) 6.1 25.40
Phase II - 1B (November 2001) 12.0 35.00
Phase II - 2A (June 2002) 20.0 28.80
Phase II - 2B (January 2003) 14.5 35.50
Phase II - 3A (November 2003) 12.8 37.50
Phase II - 3B (November 2004) 32.9 35.40
Phase II - 4A (June 2006 est.) 7.0 28.00 (production digital imaging)
Heiberg Data 48.00
Cambridge Leaf from Nigel 1.00
Totals (GBytes) 154.6 230 GB
Total of optical images on disk drives, including browser, stitching files, and logs:
248 GB
XRF Data Collection and Image Production ASCII Data from single XRF scan of about 40×20 mm is approximately 32MB TIFF derived image is approximately 10% of the size, or about 3 MB Click here to download the Archimedes Palimpsest Images Data Sheet in PDF format.